17 January 2011

Hay Canyon Ranch 1.16.11

It started as a big pile of snow.

Sophie wondered about the whole thing. Later she would understand. You'll see.

A figure begins to emerge. Donna and Liz took on the arms. Sarah carved out the legs under Dan's watchful eye.

Progress was made on the backside as well.

And what a backside it was.

Sophie has her fun. She walked between the giant's legs once on her own and then repeated the trick with a bit of prompting so I could get my photo.

Looking through.

Dan fine tuning the face. Tim and Dave...supervising or admiring the aforementioned backside?

Finished product, with Dave for scale.

11 January 2011

Blanchard in Snow 1.9.11

Through the forest we went.

We hiked up, but let's jump straight to the top--the good stuff.

The view made us happy.

Let's look at it some more.

To the west, snow-crows-cloud.

Floating cloud.

Oh dear, this little guy woke up a little early.