15 December 2008

In the Air, Thanksgiving Morning, 11.08

This is me getting off the hill.

In the air.

Chris making it look easy.

The mountains were beautiful from the air.

Packing up.

04 October 2008

Beautiful Stehekin 09.08

We started out at Highbridge.

Walked through an amazing aspen grove--the biggest aspens Mom's ever seen.

This one had old and new bear claw marks. He tried but didn't quite best the one who was there before him.

Still water on a beautiful evening.

01 October 2008

Pictographs on Lake Chelan, Stehekin 9.08

From directly across the lake, at Stehekin Landing, you could see the rock face made white by mineral runoff.

When we got close, these drawings by some ancient inhabitants of this place were visible, as were the remains of more recent graffiti (1946).

I couldn't find any information online about possible dates for these drawings, but it is amazing to sit and look at handprints made by some hand from another time.

Stehekin means "the way through," as this was the opening to a crossing that took Central Washington tribes to the Puget Sound. Not the kind of path we'd think of as a way through. Still lots of mountains to cross from there.

Tally marks?

Carl the Gardener's Dahlias, Stehekin 9.08

08 September 2008

Lake Wenatchee, Labor Day 09.08

Bevan and I climbed a big rock.

Watching a chipmunk.

That little girl has a big stick.

Happy Mom.

Exploring water's edge.

Resting Mom.

3-Day Weekend in Vancouver, BC 8.08

Not much of a day for boating.

This was our favorite totem.

It was something sensitive in the carving.

Compact lady.

High drama in the skies.

08 August 2008

Mt. Phelps 7.08

Alpine wild flowers.

Toes and branches.

Crowding the summit.

Great flowers, but not the way down.

View from the top.

July 4th at Woodrat 7.08

Rat Race - a paragliding competition. Up there are the pilots getting into position and waiting for the moment at which they can start toward the first waypoint.

Before they go all the way up there, they gather down here to get coordinates for the day's task.

Imagine this in motion.

Everyone's very focused on launch.

26 June 2008

New York 6.08

Hell, yes! on the Bowery.

Dog and man in a cart.

Stickman, Hillary, Obama and wolf.

Pigeon prevention.

Ordering Vietnamese takeout.

25 June 2008

Philadelphia 6.08

First to Philly then to New York.

Old building goes down.

Hair seat.

Serious art deco.

Hotel view.