01 December 2007


knows how the camera works, kind of.

gives me five.

has blue eys.

is curious about toe fuzz.

is constantly in motion.


loves cats.

makes things.

breaks ice.


writes crosswords.


Hopper Rd and Reeds Grove Rd

Where the fence once was

Garden, shadows

Asparagus berries

After the cloud lifted

Parents, kids, grandparents

More from Thanksgiving.
Checking out Newman's Portraits

Looking at Dad's photos

Getting some post-meal air

Erika loves cranberries, and we love her

Being a mom

That's Bevan behind reading the newspaper

25 November 2007

Thanksgiving Portraits

Great family. Thanks for the wonderful holiday. Too bad I didn't get a great portrait of every one of you. I wish I had made that a project!







17 November 2007

Wonderful Mushrooms

Mmmm.... Not telling where we found these.

But, we found enough to split three ways. Our third lasted at least three meals.

Orcas Island Weekend

Orcas wildlife seems to be unperturbed by humans. This heron and the deer we saw took notice but didn't do any work to put distance between us.

Leaves and water.

Gorgeous eagle.

We hiked to the top of Mt. Constitution, but the summit was completely enveloped in cloud (see left side). Nothing but whiteness in our view. On the way down we caught a bit of a vew from Little Summit.


14 November 2007

Pot Peak/Halloween

Blogger hasn't let me post pictures for a couple weeks, so these are late!

Pot Peak burned in 2003 plus or minus a year or two.

I didn't make it all the way to the top because I started late.

I liked the blackened bark, and the birds were thick feasting on inhabitants of the dead trees.

10 October 2007

I love these guys.

Of course, Lynn and Barry are included under this heading, too, despite not appearing in the photos.

Bevan had grass seed in his socks and pants. That's where that look is coming from.

He tried to pick out the seeds.

I told him about picking grass seeds out of my favorite tennis shoes with tweezers earlier this year.

05 October 2007

Tucson & Environs, c. 09.25.07

The views on the flight over were great, starting with Mt. Rainier.

One side of the building is tile, the other side looks like a normal office building.

Parking Garage + Palm Trees

Early the first morning, a panorama of sunlit cactus.


Saguaro with blossoms, too late really. The docent at the Desert Museum said the flower June-July. I saw one other cacus with blossoms at Sabino Canyon. No photo of that one; I was running.

San Xavier Mission, est. 1783

San Xavier Signage

Sarah the Telescope, Kitt Peak Observatory